
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Working Woman!

Just a quick update...I am now a working woman! I (very luckily) landed a job with a real estate company as a receptionist. Hopefully, in about a month or so, I will be promoted to my boss' assistant. Her current assistant is pregnant, so I am gunning for her spot!
I love my job! I get to wear work clothes every day! LOL! I am learning quickly (at least I think so). Best of all, I am making money! I got my first check today. It wasn't much, because I only worked 2 days (plus my 2 days of holiday pay for Thanksgiving). The perks rock! I only have to work half day on Christmas Eve and I get the day after Christmas off. Woo-hoo! Four and a half day weekend!!!
So, that's what's new with me. Next week is Vegas, John Rich and Gretchen Wilson, so I'll have another update then (probably).

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Thanks for the update, glad to hear you are doing well. Hope I get to talk to you soon. Give me a call when you can.